Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Here's what we've all been waiting for, a pill to cure our shopaholism.
Yes you did read it right.

Here's the article that briefly talks about a pill in development, and it gives which emag it found the information in.

When you actually begin to look at situations and think about it, it's sad, disturbing, insane (or whatever other word you care to use) how much more effort people will put into finding ways to "cure" whatever situation they are currently in, then taking responsibility and owning up to them.

It's not my fault that I have a problem. Everyone else has it better than me. I'm just not lucky. When will it be my turn?

And how much more time and money these cures cost, instead of just not buying items you don't need to survive. (With a little bit of enjoyment thrown in.) But with the little bit of enjoyment, you need to know how much is enough.

Soon Spyros and I will be writing down how much is enough.
For me I would have to say; All my debts paid off (3 school loans, mortgage, and money owed to father-in-law), investments that have enough interest each month to pay for basic needs (utilities, food, clothing, insurance, vehicle up-keep and gas), and some extra for frugal trips and misc.

If I had to choose between new cars, DVDs, brand-name clothes, etc..., or being able to spend time with my husband, friends and family. I would always choose the second
Because sweetie, you can't take it to the grave.


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