Sunday, August 01, 2004

I had fun at my Mom's. Ate too much lasagna, garlic bread and chocolately treats... and am paying for it today with a tummy ache... my body just can't tolerate as much food or as much sugary food as it once could... I know that's a good thing.

Spyros just left for work, so I will be here by myself until 11pm cleaning, straightening, rearranging and taking reading breaks in between.

I need things to get back to their proper order... I am not one who can live in disarray. To visit it is fun, but not to stay. I am very organized, especially with paperwork, but looking at a bill I see it's due in two days... so we will have to make a trip to drop it off (if possible) or mailing and possibly surfer the late charges.... but if we have to mail it I'll call telling them we just moved and ask if they can pardon our disarray and our past due sins.

Lily has found a pile of lace curtains that slipped to the floor, and is calling them her own. And speaking of curtains, I was finally able to put our dark maroon ones up so we don't have to fear flashing our neighbors... I'm sure they will appreciate it!

We met the neighbors across the street two days ago... we had already met the kids and the grandma. Their names are Kim and Josh (nice and easy for me to remember). They seem very nice, and their dog, Tar, liked our raspberry bushes and the bunny poo in them, very much. Needless to say they had to give him a bath that night.

Well off to read the numerous junk mails that one gets when signing up to survey sights...


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