It isn't our dryer with the problem, it's the washer... the transmission and clutch are slipping and it's leaking oil.... (yes, the washer not the car).
And we'll be getting a new washer for only $50!!! Our house has a home owner's warranty on it (came with the house), and all the parts/repairs would come to $400, so the insurance place is sending us a check for $400.... we just had to pay a $50 deductable, which we actually paid to the repairmen for the service call.
So after we buy the washer, we'll hopefully have over $100 left over!
It's been said that God (or whatever Diety you believe in) will provide for you, if you just have faith.... when I was younger I would scoff at this, but now....
We cancelled insurance on the van that no longer runs well since we don't drive it: $22 refund.
DutchBoy Refund check for all the paint we bought when we moved in: $20
Snack Food Research Check: $60
Spyros's Check for the Photography jobs: $220
And I'll be getting $105 on Tuesday for babysitting.... no granted Spyros and I did the work for the last three, but we were given the opportunity to do something we either enjoy or that was easy to do.
Plus I'm still waiting on a $50 check for an internet panel and I'll be getting a bit over $50 for the mystery shops I did this month....
Oh and a Auto Company in town wants our business since we just moved in, and they're offering us a free lube, oil and filter change with no strings attached (at least not any I can find).... which came at a great time since we need to change the oil very soon on the van....
Thought of the Day: Have faith, but realize you have to grab the opportuniy when it comes skipping.
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