Saturday, May 31, 2003

I'm very excited to see that people are checking this blog out (at least once?!?), but hopefully, if you ever feel the urge, a comment or two, or three... will be left.

Last night, some friends came over, and we sat around the dining room table talking and eating cookies that I had made in the food dehydrator. (Yes the dehydrator.) Funny thing is, my Mom gave it to use, along with the recipe book, but she never realized you could make cookies/bars. (You can also make yogurt, granola, crackers and jerky in this dehydrator.)

So my thought for the day is: whatever appliance you buy, read the instruction book completely. (And believe me, I do know how boring they can be.) But there are often tips, tricks, or recipes that you would never know about otherwise. And most times they are very useful.

If you buy a gadget at a garage sale and it doesn't have the instruction booklet, chances are you can find the company online and they will send you a replacement. And most times it is free, or a very small charge.


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