Be very cafeful when purchasing anything, to ask yourself if you really need it.
How much upkeep and repairs will it take, and is it worth it.
Can you find something else that you already have that will work in it's place.
Ask this about everything you buy. Even that value meal at a restuarant. Can you go home or to the grocery store and buy something better.
A great example is when we feel the urge to go to the Sub shop, we'll go to the grocery store instead and get some French bread, sandwich fixings and a bag of chips on sale. Not only do we have a meal comprable to the Sub shop, but we always have left-overs for a few more meals. And it's usually cheaper than buying the sandwiches at the Sub shop.
We constantly do this, but like everyone mess up from time to time.
If you need to, put a list of these questions and any others that you may ask, in your wallet or purse. And pull them out everytime you're buying something, until it becomes automatic to ask these questions.
Best of luck! And I hope you spend frugally and with good results.
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