Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Yesterday Spryos decided to fix some rotten siding on the back of our house. (Most of the house is vinyl, but for some reason the back and garage never got done.)

He did a wonderful job, this being the first time he's done it. And I was I great helper (if I do say so); getting tools, holding stuff, and offering unsolicated advice;)

But the job took about 2 1/2 hours longer than expected. So Spyros was very late at laying down to sleep. (He works 3rd shift and lays down around 2pm.)

Plus we didn't have enough of the proper nails, so we had to run to town.

So my advice when doing a project:

1. Have enough time so you're not rushed or late for an appointment.
2. Make sure to gather all your materials before you begin, so you don't waste time or money.
3. Don't let your fingers get in the way of the hammer, because the hammer will win!

Now for the frugality part.

We had extra siding in the garage that was saved when the vinyl siding was put on. And we keep all useable scrap pieces of wood. So we were able to do the project without having to buy any wood.

Some people can get over zealous and save and save. If there are items that you plan on saving, make sure that you really will use them. And if it's something that you can easily get more of, only keep a couple and replenish as needed.


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