Thanks to Kat the subject I will be talking about (or actually sending you to a couple of websites that wrap up the information perfectly) is The Price Book.
This is a valuable tool for anyone on a budget. It is generally used for food, but can easily be adapted for anything else you buy.
I read about the Price Book over and over again when reading various information of frugality, but kept putting off starting one.
When I finally did, I could have kicked myself! It's so easy to find the best bargains with this tool.
I've found that after using the Price Book for awhile that I started to slip and not add information as much. So advice to all you long-timers: If you've been neglecting your Price Book give it a good going over and use that powerful tool again.
For those of you who have never heard of, or haven't started one yet, here are two great sites that will help you get started.
Of course if you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear them.
When you get to the site, click on explore our site and go to Time and Money. Then click on Price Book Guide.
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