Saturday, August 09, 2003

Well, the first day of the sale went really well. We've made $389 so far. That will cover our Menard's bill (stuff we bought to fix up the house), with about $30 left over.

A lot of stuff sold yesterday. The big stuff that we have left are baby clothes (but hopefully more parents will be out today), the two couches and a few other furniture pieces, and adult clothes.

Whatever doesn't get sold gets packed up for St. Vinnie's. I'm thinking of putting some of the furniture on the curb Sunday and if it's gone in the morning, all the better!

Our house echoes with how empty it is. I'm getting really excited, and wish that all the fixing up was done already.

I just want to move so Spyros will work less and we'll be able to have more time to: snuggle, take pictures, go swimming, expand (educate) our minds, walk, garden, and visit with friends and family.

On another note: My BIL broke his collar bone (twice) ((was screwing around on his bike and fell, then was going upstairs and tripped instinctivly holding out his arm to catch himself and fell again.)) So he went to urgent care and they gave him a sling said he needed to see an orthopedic surgeon and passed him on.

They continued to pass him on to 6 different people. So feeling frustrated he called us yesterday and we told him to go into urgent care again (politely but firmly) tell them he needed this fixed and would not be leaving until it was.

I believe he is getting dicked around because he doesn't have insurance. This world (country) is unbelievable!!! I don't even want to get started on a tiraid of how we are the most wasteful, consumer (consuming: taking until everything is depleted) oriented country and when someone is hurt, needs food, clothes, or a home; most people do nothing to help.

So please, help in any way you can. It may be big: helping at a soup kitchen or a domestic violence shelter. Or smaller: donating food or grooming products when an organization comes around and puts bags on your door or donating old blankets to an animal shelter.

But please, do what you can. Every small (and large) bit helps. And there are always places looking for help.

I read once that when people actually volunteered their time (instead of money) they and the people they were helping got more satisfaction from the process.

So next time you're sitting around bored, go ourself or get a group of people together and volunteer to do something.

Thank you. And I am now putting my soapbox away.


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