Friday, November 07, 2003

Last night was the Town Board Meeting and we were denied. Very upsetting...

But on the positive side, we won't have to go to the two Dane County meetings. And since we have an offer, we hopefully will be good to go.

We have two appointments today to look at apartments. We we're going to go to the Matrix as a matinee, but we'll have to do it on another day since our appointments are at 1 pm and 4 pm.

We got an email from a college friend sharing pictures of her child's first Halloween. Although we don't see them much, I really enjoy the pictures. I wrote her an email letting her know.

So Frugal/Simple Thought for the day: Do little things like; email pictures or sending a letter to people in your life to let them know you're thinking of them. It doesn't cost much (if anything) and can really brighten someone's day, as well as your own.


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