Monday, December 29, 2003

Spyros wasn't feeling well yesterday (and still neither one of us is today) so he found someone to replace him at work last night and this morning.

Today we cleaned, took down Christmas decorations, used the "new" vaccum cleaner Mom and Joe gave us (it works great... it's a Hoover Hepa-something or other and it sure does have some power!), and we just finished watching Bruce Almighty (borrowed from Mom and Joe).

After deciding we didn't want to do anything else, DH ran to the video store to use our free rental coupon, to hopefully rent American Wedding.

Other then showering, watching the movie and maybe reading, I think our day is pretty much set....

Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Although junk mail is a pain, before tossing it out make sure to check for any valuable coupons you can use. (That's how we got the free movie rental.)


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