Wednesday, December 03, 2003

The weather looks good and as long as DH doesn't get home too late from delivering the mail, we will be making our final trip to the dump!

When we get back, I'm going to total all the weight of the garbage from the six trips and see how much it was. I'm sure it's going to shock us, and hopefully serve as a reminder for us to not accumulate stuff.

A co-worker from DH's job has read Your Money or Your Life after DH recommended it to him. He started following the system the end of November and is still going strong.

We also lent our copy to my MIL. Hopefully she'll begin the process when she's done reading it. We'll see....

It's nice having people that you can talk to face to face about simple living. Although I also enjoy and have gotten a lot of useful information from the website too. The Simple Living Network aka Your Money or Your Life website

I'm waiting for the internet cable man to get here to boost our connection. We've been having troubles getting online for awhile now. They said he would be here at 8am (not between 8 and Noon), and it's already 9am. Annoying!

Simple Living Thought of the Day: If you say you're going to be some place at a certain time, be there. It shows disrespect to that person and wastes their time. If you can't commit to a certain time, don't. Just let the other party know ahead of time.


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