Saturday, August 07, 2004

The library is open again... I am so happy! I got five books (four that were on hold) and two movies, I am Sam and Hearts in Atlanta... did I mention I love the library.

We also went to IGA for a couple of good meat sales and we stopped at Ace to get the new circuit box for the light/outlet. We didn't do any work on the light/outlet, but DH finally put up the towel racks... which are actually curtain rods with decorative ends and hung four pictures.

The curtain rods we got at Big Lots... originally $35 down to $10... that store has some very good deals if you look and spend wisely.
Three of the pictures that we hung are ink drawings that my Step-brother did. Two are originals... one he made us for our wedding present and the other we won in a drawing that was held for one of his art shows (family could enter as long as you bought a ticket), and the other one is a print of the original he made for my nephew.

DH has finally got his site up and running... he's a wonderful photographer and recently branched out into web design... which he's just as good at!
Please check it out and pass along his site to anyone you know who needs a good website or some beautiful pictures taken!!!


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