Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Yesterday saw me putting in a resume for a secretarial job at the local high school... out of all the jobs I have applied for so far, this one is the one I would like to get.
It's 7:30 to 3:30, Monday through Friday... so I wouldn't see Spyros too often, but it would be wonderful to pay off our student loans, some or all of the house and to put more into savings...

Spyros also called about a part time job with a photographer, which he's going to be meeting at Noon to discuss the job... he would have two jobs again... but this would be one he likes and could lead to more photography jobs... so hopefully!

The house is coming along again... put a lot more stuff away yesterday and rearranged the garage so we can actually park one of the vans. Laundry to be done today, and of course it's gloomy out right now and will probably rain at any minute

We found out yesterday that a couple we know are expecting a baby soon... nothing new in that, but what's so cool is the woman (Carol) is in her mid-forties and Tom is probably in his late thirties... they are such a wonderful, interesting, smart couple that I can't wait to see how the baby is when he/she grows up!

We're going down to Madison Friday to help some friends move, so hopefully we can stop in and see Carol and Tom too, since it's been forever....

Simple/Frugal Thought of the Day: If we ever have a child, the majority of the items we purchase will be at garage sales. With growing babies only wearing an outfit a few times... and usually with a bib, it's so much more economical to purchase items used.... or check out the newspaper or www.freecycle.org


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