Yesterday was Spyros' day off, and it was a very pleasant one. Cleaned up a bit around the house, then went to Stevens Point to run some errands:
Returned some stuff to Menards (from when Spyros was doing the electrical in the bathroom), and got 2 packs of compact flourescent bulbs which will be free after rebate. Most of the house has these types of bulbs already, but we needed some for the dining room chandelier.
Went to Big Lots since we needed place mats for our table (it's old and needs to be refinished, so whenever we put a wet cup on the table it leaves rings...), and I got a runner for the other table so when the cats jump on it they won't scratch it up.
Then we went to my Mom and Joe's. They took us out to dinner at Applebee's... I had an Oreo milkshake and Chicken Alfredo.... yum.
Afterwards we went back to their place and watched The Passion of the Christ.... it really didn't do much for me... although I will say being someone who watches horror movies, I had to close my eyes a few time when they were whipping Jesus.... very graphic violence.
After the movie was cake and presents time. I got a cute PJ set and small statue of a cat sitting on a pumpkin... very cute. I have a small collection of pumpkins and I love cats, so it's a perfect gift.
Mom made the cake, double chocolate with made from scratch cream cheese frosting with chocolate and peanut butter drizzled on top.... it was delicious, but Mom and I both agreed next time to skip the cream cheese frosting and just drizzle the chocolate and peanut butter on top.
Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Make sure to check your credit report at least once a year. A good way to get a free one is to apply for a credit card that you know you won't get, and when they deny you (although no one does like to be denied...), you can send for a free one... or ususally go online to request one.
Make sure to go over it carefully and if anything is wrong, dispute it right away... don't leave it sitting on your desk!
If your name, date of birth, etc... is wrong that's easy to fix, but if there is something else... the best thing is to contact the company/store that says you have wronged them and start from there.
If you have copies of the bill being paid, or can get a cancelled check from the bank... that will definately help in getting the error taken off the report.
There are many sites on the internet that can help, just do a google search to find any information you need.
Although it may take time to get it straightned out, in today's world (unfortunately) a good, clean credit history is one of the best things you can have.
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