Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The kids started coming around 4:30... maybe candy time was betwenn 4 and 6pm? Had about 20... very dissapointed in some of the older kids, just wearing their everyday clothes with a bit more makeup.... at least I hope it was more then they ususally wear!

DH and I finally made the rest of the tie-backs for the curtains Mom gave us. There is 10 curtains and only 3 tiebacks (don't know where she put the others?).... but we had two valances which we cut up to make the ties.... now I just need to get some small plastic rings so they latch around the curtains.

Make sure to get out and vote today!!!! We'll be going when DH gets back from the photo shoot... sometime this afternoon.

The crock-pot is going with some pork chops, yellow peppers and salsa in it.... I want to go more vegetarian, so if anyone has any wonderful recipes I would love to get them.

Took down the Halloween decorations yeterday... put up a scarecrow and flipped around the three pumpkins Mom made (one side has faces for Halloween and the other side is plan for Thanksgiving.... what a smart Mommy)
No Christmas decorations for us until the first weekend in December.... (I won't rant about my annoyance with decorations in November!)

Frugal Thought of the Day: Make sure to go online and search for any codes before purchasing items on the internet. Just type in name of store and codes to see what pops up.
I ordered some items and found a 10% off code and everything in clearance was half off on Halloween! My total came to $10.45, but the shipping was $6.75.... What a rip!


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