Wednesday, July 26, 2006

So after finishing "Greatest Secrets of the Coupon Mom", I still think it can be very beneficial to families and to help people donate to food shelters, but I don't think it will do too much for us. We shop mainly at Aldi's which has very good prices, but I will keep my eye out for the free (or nearly free) deals at Walgreens and the occasional one at the grocery store.

And now for a short book review:
I don't feel it would be a waste of time to read the whole book since it's filled with encouraging and inspirational letters from people who use the system, but if you're not new to frugal living or coupon using, you may want to skip to Chapter Four.

Chapters Five and Eight can be either a great review for long time frugalists, or a great help for those just starting out. They talk about store strategies and secrets and where to find coupons.

Chapter Ten through the rest of the book gives you step by step instructions on how to initiate a Cut Out Hunger program, which I think everyone should be doing. And starting on page 143 there is a lesson plan for cutting out hunger for teachers.

A couple of websites that you may find interesting are:
CouponInfoNow : You can find a list of retailer's coupon policies and other interesting coupon facts.

Second Harvest : You can find out where your local food banks are, along with other information on helping food banks.


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