So, I remembered it was my Mother-in-Law's birthday at 4 pm yesterday, but did I fret? No.
I picked up the phone and called her to wish her a Happy Birthday. Then I went to my gift closet and took out the two gifts that I had bought earlier this year. Since we'll be seeing her today, I'll wrap them up (in paper I got for 90% off) and we'll be good to go.
So frugal and simplictic thought for today: Gift Closets (or drawers, or space under your bed, or behind that piece of furniture you have kitty-korner in your living room, or wherever else you can think of.)
Whenever I find something at a really good price that I know someone I exchange gifts with would like (garage sale or after season sale) I pick it up.
I then write it on my master gift list and who it is for. This way I don't have to dig around in the closet looking for gifts, I just check my sheet.
This has saved us lots of money and loads of time with not having to run all over town looking for a last minute gift.
Another thing that I do is, throughout the year whenever someone mentions something that they would like, I write it down on my gift suggestions list.
People are constantly saying what great gift givers we are. I just smile to myself and think: Anyone could be great gift givers if they just actually listen to what people say and pay attention to what they like and what their hobbies are.
This really does save you lots of time and money. Even if you have small living quarters you can still find a place (or places) to store your gifts. Just be creative.
And don't forget to make a master sheet of what gifts you have, who they go to, and where you put them (if you have more than one gift spot).
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