Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot!!!
I thought for sure the heat would break last night with the fierce storm. Lots of thunder and lightening. Then it rained for 10 minutes, that's all.
Baby Kitty hates storms so he was plastered against my body for about an hour. Then he plastered himself against my head. Then he decided the storm had passed, so he laid in his normal spot... which takes up half the bed.
Really didn't do much today. Sanded a little. Read a lot in the nice air-conditioned bedroom.
Once we more and Spyros is working less, I think we should make one day a day of rest. Perhaps other religions know what they're talking about.
Every Sunday, just doing nothing but what we want. If we read all day, so be it. If we drive around looking for great photo shots, all the better.
Perhaps we'll even make food the day before so we don't do any cooking?!?
If you have a day of rest for religious, or other reasons I would love to hear about it. Why you decided to do so. What you do all day. And anything else...
Oh, and my tatttoo appointment is set for a day before my birthday. I'm nervous, but excited. I just hope I don't pass out and poop myself like a different customer did that we heard about.
How embarrassing!!!!
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