Sunday, October 12, 2003

After we sell the house and save some money, the thought of living in an RV and traveling around the U.S. is very appealing to me right now.

Just thing of how much we would have to downsize!

The biggest deterent for me though, would be all the gas we would end up using.

Has anyone out there done this? Or is still doing this?

We went out to Durward's Glen yesterday for DH to take some photos of the fall foilage. It was a nice hike, and I found some pretty leaves and mushrooms for him to photograph.

But the hike once again, reminded me how out of shape I am. So after I get over this nasty head cold I am going to begin some sort of exercise regiment. We've already been eating better, but of course there is always room for improvement.

I think I will add it to the end of my blogs as an on going journal for myself. That way if people don't want to read about it, they can just skip the ending part.

I think I may join a online community of dieters/exercisers for a sort of support system. See if that makes it any easier. I've been reading some Weight Watchers magazines (wonderful recipes and inspirational articles) and it's amazing how some of these people lose 70 or more pounds in less than a year.

My interest in weight loss is more for when we do start going on more photography hikes, and such, so I can endure them. And so my health stays good to keep down those medical bills. But of course I won't say no to the added benefit of being able to find more stylish clothing at cheaper prices!

Simple Living thought: If you, or anyone you know has every tried the RV thing I would love to hear about it, and any advice that may be had!


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