Tuesday, October 07, 2003

We had a very nice weekend. Lots of yummy food, a fire outside on Joe's patio that he made, and lots of playing with their dog, Willow.

We told Mom and Joe about our decision, and Mom was very sad, but who knows....maybe the house will sell for a lot more and then we will be able to move up right away.

They are letting us borrow a TV. There are three shows we like to watch and now we'll be able to see all three.

Simple/Frugal thought for the day: Try cutting down on your TV time. There is so much more you can be doing. But if you have some show you must watch (and I do understand!) then try taping them so you can fast-forward through the commercials.

This will help save you time and hopefully cut down on your spending because you won't see things you never knew you needed.

Or if you can't tape them, get up during the commercials and do some light exercising or cleaning. Wipe down the outside of the fridge, dust, take all that stuff piled up on your stairs and at least put it in the room it belongs in.


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