Friday, October 03, 2003

Blog, blog, blog, blog. It's funny when I look at the entry and see I missed a day of posting I feel guilty. Only for a second, but still....

We have another showing today. Perhaps this person will want to buy the house as a single family unit, and we won't have to go through all the rezoning. One can hope....

Our upstairs (4 rooms) is all closed off except for the office. I keep telling DH I want to move it down into the living room, but it hasn't happened as of yet. Definatley next week after we get back from Mom and Joes's

I also brought the cat litter up from downstairs and put it in the laudry room, so the basement is now closed off, along with the bathroom and one other room in the back hallway. So hopefully this will cut down on our heating bill. (By closed off, I mean vents closed, windows locked and doors closed.)

I think I'm going to roll up towels and put them in front of the doors. It will just be a minor pain to have to pick them up before a showing, but if it saves on the heating bill....

So Frugal thought for the day: Make sure to go through your house/dwelling and close up for the winter. Caulk, use those plastic window thingys, lock windows (if you wash them before doing this, it helps by letting more sun in to warm the room), put up blankets in front of doors you don't use often, put draft dodgers in front of outside doors, and keep any rooms closed that you may not use.

For some more tips on winterizing click on the link below.



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