Thanks David for the advice on getting rid of the kiln. Hopefully though the man interested in it will come on Saturday to get it. He's building his highschool daughter a ceramics room because she likes to make pottery. I think that is so cool!
We raked up leaves and mulched them yesterday, and just in time too since when I woke up this morning there is snow on the ground. It's good to have all the yard work done for the year and the cement slab by the garage is clear of leaves so when people come to look at the house it will look better.
I feel so bad for DH. All this week he's been going to bed late (two to three hours), because we've been doing chores and yesterday his Mom came over and we talked until 5 pm.
We were going to go to town and get some items we need around the house, but that may have to wait if Spyros is too worn out.
Frugal Thought for the Day: Do your own yard work instead of hiring someone to do it. (If you're at all physically capable.) It will save you money and it's nice to look around and see what you have accomplished.
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