Once again I woke up with a sinus headache... DH have me some pills right away, I went back to sleep for about 45 minutes, and now I'm really spacey... but at least my head doesn't hurt.
The inspection will be 10am tomorrow and the showing from 3-4pm has been cancelled by the showing realtor (said they won't be able to make it out...)
We have to be gone when the inspector comes so we'll probably go into Madison, to pick up some items at Walgreens (great prices with coupons and the Easy-Saver), and perhaps go to Shopko for a couple of things.
We didn't go to DeForest yesterday, so we'll go today.
All of the items (five) that we put up on Freecycle were gone by Monday evening. Yea! much easier then last time when people would say they would come over, and then never show up, or show up two hours early.
DH's crown work went well. We made an appointment for March 17 to get his gums looked at (wonder how much that will cost us, I'm sure more then we would like, but oh well....)
Baby Kitty has been very crabby lately. He'll try to bite DH from time to time, but rarely me. The past day he's been trying to bite me though. Whenever I look at him this morning, he'll look away and act all innocent.
I can't figure out what's wrong. We haven't had strange people in the house for about a week. We haven't packed any more stuff, so he probably isn't worried we'll leave him.
Maybe it's Spring coming on, and he just wants to escape our evil clutches. (You know, all the love, attention, and food we give him....)
It is a beautiful day, maybe if I'm not too spacey and after we run the errands we'll go for a walk... Sounds lovely!
Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Spring fever is taking hold of me (and most likely the cat), so get outside and enjoy.
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