Sunday, February 22, 2004

We went to Madison yesterday because I wanted to get two more pillow shams for the new comforter. Um... yeah, at $10 to $35 per sham, I think I'll wait... I'll keep looking on eBay, wait for garage saling season, or perhaps just use pillow cases...

In a lucky coincidence I got a coupon in the mail yesterday, where you buy 1 Sauve shampoo or conditioner and you get a Sauve styling or bath product for free. We were also going to town because we were almost out of shampoo (and I can't find my stash since it's been packed forever...)

While at Target I also found two long underwear shirts (something I've been planning on getting for the cold hiking months) marked down to $1.48 from $5.99. Yea!

We got a call asking for a showing tomorrow. Since it's Sunday we were only able to get the call line (not talk to the realtor directly), so DH asked to make sure they know we have an accepted offer, and they had wanted it between 3-4pm. I told DH to tell them we need it to be 2pm or before.
I don't want to risk losing a potential buyer (if the deal falls through), but I also don't want DH to lose any more sleep.... Chances are they won't want to see the house anyway because of the offer.

Today we're just cleaning up the house (mostly done already) and sitting around reading books. Spyros is enjoying (and almost finished with), The DaVinci Code and I'm reading The Accidental Pope, which is very good so far.

Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: This could be something I say everyday, and I know I've said it numerous times before... Use your library as much as possible. You're paying for it and they have so many things of interest.
And I didn't know this until about five years ago, if you're library doesn't have what you are looking for, chances are they can order it from another library in their system. For us it's free, but I do know some libraries that you have to pay a transfer/shipping fee.
It never hurts to ask....


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