From comments people have been posting, I see that it's normal for the owner to stay at the house during the showing. For those of you who have looked at houses, is it ackward having the owners there? Do they talk with you, or go to a different room when you enter the one they're in?
I don't mind leaving the house, except when it interrupts DH's sleep. But his sleep would still get interrupted if we stayed because no one would want to hear him snoring loudly in the bedroom. And I'm sure people would feel strange walking into a bedroom, not in their house, with a stranger sleeping in it.
But it would be nice, staying. Maybe it's a Wisconsin thing???
But some good news... We have 2 showings today, and 1 tomorrow. We're going to run errands in Madison during the Noon showing. We need tp, a indoor flood light (that burned out right before the last showing), and DH needs to stop at the Public Radio station to pick up 2 tickets and 2 CDs that he gets for pledging.
The tickets are to see a Techno DJ show at the Rave in Milwaukee. The DJ is Humpty from Digital Underground. They were around in the 80's and there big hit was The Humpty Dance. I'm really not into that type of music, and I don't like large crowds unless there are 3 or more people with me (safety in numbers and I have more people to talk with since DH gets easily sucked into the music...)
So he'll be taking his friend, Eric with him. It should be a good time for them, and DH will get some male bonding in.
I won DH's Valentine present last night off of eBay. What is it, you eagerly ask.... It's a comforter and sheet set.
Hmmm.... That sounds more like a present for Kim, you may be thinking. But let me assure you it's all for DH. I want the bedroom to look nice for him and to be a room he enjoys spending time in. ;- )
And just because I've been wanting a new comforter for over a year now, has nothing to do with it!!!
We normally don't do much for V-Day. Maybe a rose and card for me, and a card for DH. But I figure between the DJ tickets and the comforter set, this is enough money spent for 10 Valentine's Days, if not more.
Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Instead of buying expensive presents for each other, for the day of love... make some coupons up to let your significant other get out of things they would rather not do, or would like to take a break from.
Some ideas: Take the garbage out for them, Start their car early for a week, Make the families lunches for a week, Give them a message with out wanting one in return.
The possibilites are endless, just like (hopefully) your love for each other. (Ahh, how sweet!)
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