Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Big fat flakes of snow are steadily falling as I gaze out the window. The kind you would eagerly run outside to meet with your tongue sticking out, when you were a child.

Our normal schedule for the week has been completely turned upside down. DH took yesterday off from both his jobs, so he could get some sleep in the morning since he was really tired from the showing the night before.

He also needed to prepare all the evidence for today's small claims trial. He is helping his father with a case that FIL brought against the man he bought his house from. The man did crappy work, didn't apply for permits and never had the work inspected. Some of this work could have killed someone, including: electrical shortage/fire and smooshed fireplace vent to the point where both ends were sealed shut.

They had to be at the court house at 8am, and they don't have a definate time when they will be going into the chambers. It could be 8am or it could be 4pm, so.... DH took last night off so he could sleep during the evening.

Then we have another showing today at 6:15-7:15pm. Since DH works tonight, he'll lay down when he gets home (hopefully in the morning and not the late afternoon), then I'll have to wake him up around 5:40pm so we can be gone during the showing.

Since we've had showings the past two days, I really don't have anything to do in terms of house cleaning, so I want to work on updating my pricebook.
I really believe this is an important factor in living a frugal life. If you don't know what one is check this out, Starting a Pricebook
And if you've been meaning to start one, now is a great time!!!

Simple/Frugal Thought of the Day: Get busy on that Pricebook!!!


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