Thursday, February 26, 2004

Well this is a pain... I typed a post this morning and posted it, but it didn't show up. And now I forgot what I wrote. Hmmm...

Thanks for the information on the sinus headaches. We have Vitamin C around, now I just need some horseradish supplements. I would rather try a home remedy over sinus pills any day. I was loopy until about 5pm yesterday. I am definately going to try it.

We just got back from Madison, where we went off to when the home inspector came. Well, actually I went to the library for a little over an hour and then DH came to the library when he got done delivering the mail. After that we took off for Madtown.

Our first stop was Red Lobster. Delicious! I have enough left over for dinner tonight and since I'm such a good wife, for DH's dinner at work.

Then we went to Walgreens. We usually don't shop there. But on Frugal Families the February challenge is to make/use a pricebook and to set up a system for coupons and rebates.

With the coupons today we saved $21.83 all on items we will use or needed. And after the rebates with the EZSavers guide we'll get another $7.50 back (which will be deposited directly into Savings.)

Some of the really good buys were a large Aquafresh toothpaste (with Walgreens and Newspaper coupon) for $1, and a large sized St. Ives body wash (with Walgreens and Newspaper coupon) for $1.
I normally just use bar soap, but the body wash is a nice treat and DH really liked the smell.

I find the people who can get numerous items for free (after sales, coupons and/or rebates) amazing. I think that is something I will start trying to do. And if the items start sitting around for too long, I can donate them to a shelter since they are always looking for soap, toothpaste, etc...

We'll be going to Walgreens about once a month or so from now on.

I really hope the inspection went well. The buyer has until Sunday to let us know how it went. Please, let them contact us sooner...

I opened one of the living room windows and the screen door in the front. The cat's are in kitty heaven. I would rather have windows open over air conditioning any day. And we're fortunate enough to live in a part of the country where we're able to do so, without worrying about pollution too much.
Although the manure smell and our neighbor's burn pile can get to be a bit much at times. When the smoke starts drifting into the house, it's time to shut the windows.

Frugal Thought of the Day: When you do use coupons, take the amount that you saved and put it into your piggy bank (or savings account), along with any money you get back from rebates. This is a nice way to start a Fun Fund, using it to save money for a new outfit, couch, golf club, etc... (That you buy on sale or from a thrift store, of course!)


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