Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I have decided with the move, it's time to start on some new areas of my life, and leave behind some others. I am going to be discontinuing this blog, but I want to let you know I appreciated all the wonderful comments. And since I do have a counter I was able to see that people kept coming back, so just knowing that was a great feeling for me.

We will continue on our frugal/simple path, and I hope you all do the same. I would love to hear about your adventures, good or bad, for my own personal growth. (Seeing/reading what others do, helps me pick up new tricks and keeps me motivated.)
I have also been kicking around the idea of a frugal and/or simple living book. At this stage I would like to include antidotes from fellow frugalists and simple livers, so if you have anything to share, please write me at: annagunda1976@yahoo.com
Or if you would just like to say Hi, I would love to hear from you.

In the words of an author I highly recommend you read (borrowed from the library, of course...): He who owns little is little owned - Thoreau

Saturday, April 03, 2004

We ended up going for an hour and a half walk yesterday, down a road we haven't been down yet. Very relaxing, even if my legs were tingling when we got back.
When we were almost home a truck passed us and then did a u-turn. We thought the person was coming back to ask us for directions, but it turned out to be a guy that comes into Kwik Trip. He lives out this way and seemed very happy to have another convert to the country life. He also told Spyros that the lake (when there's enought water) up the road often has swans, ducks, geese, etc...

While I was taking a nap DH started working on the garage. It's about 3/4 of the way done. Then he left for the store meeting, bringing his own chair since there is only milk crates or the floor to sit on. (Co-workers commented on his foresight...). While he was gone I watched Showtime with Eddie Murphy and Robert DeNiro, that we had borrowed from the library. There was a couple of laugh out loud moments, but I was glad we didn't spend any money on it...

When Spyros got back, we curbed our desire to eat out and instead went to the grocery store to get some supplies to make this really naughty shrimp dish. You spray an electric frying pan with non-stick spray, then you lay down the shrimp and cover it with a mixture of butter, bread crumps and garlic. Try to spread it out, but don't worry if you can't, just put the clumps over the shrimp evenly. Put the lid on and cook until it's golden.
Full of calories, but delicious...
I also got some sea salt so we could wash off the potatoes, roll them in the salt and make baked potatoes. I usually don't cook with salt, instead letting you put your own on, but potatoes made this way remind of Red Lobsters, and I do love eating there.

When Spyros gets back from work and a DeForest run (stop at the bank to deposit check and refund, get split peas, return library magazine and renew two books), we'll eat some lunch and then take off to Devil's Lake for a hike and picture expedition.

When our friends came over the other day, Spyros let TJ take our other digital camera out with us on our walk. She took some really nice pictures, so she decided to take it with her and practice some more. I know Spyros would love to have a picture taking buddy...

Our friend in Las Vegas sent a mass email as an update for everyone. In the message it said that she was pregnant. I wrote back, all excited... only to read the next one she had sent... It was an April Fool's joke. It definately got me! They are most likely moving back in November, and we're very excited to have them back.

Simple/Frugal Thought of the Day: Have a junk email account (yahoo, hotmail, etc...) that you can sign up to free and other special offers. Your main account will be less likely to get a virus. And don't open emails from people you don't know...
I don't usually open email attachments either, unless I know they are pictures or an invitation from friends/family. Those mass emails telling you that you have to pass them on, or cartoons may be cute, but why put your computer at a greater risk.
Instead of mass emailing everyone a joke, why not write a note or two to some of your closer friends/family...

Friday, April 02, 2004

We had a very nice lunch with our friends yesterday. They brought over some bananas that were starting to go bad, so I traded them the banana bread for their bananas... now DH will have to wait another day or so until he gets some banana bread.

I'm going to make split pea soup and scalloped potatoes with the left-over ham. After I get off the computer I'll probably start the soup cooking in the crockpot. Yum...

I'm listen to Toby Keith on Rhapsody right now. I like country sometimes, but it's not usually my first choice when I turn on the radio. But there is just something about Toby Keith that makes me swoon... his voice, his looks, although his personality doesn't amuse me that much...

Spyros is itching to get out and do something today/this weekend. He has a store meeting at 4pm today though, so we'll just have to take a walk around here. He keeps asking where are we going to go hiking Saturday...

The second load of laundry is going, the dishes are done, the bed is stripped... still have to vacuum but I always feel bad because it really scares the cats. If they wouldn't shed as much though, I wouldn't have to vacuum as much... if they would only figure this out!

Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Get out and enjoy the day with a walk before we loose an hour to daylight savings tomorrow.
DH has a real problem with daylight savings time. How we blindly change our clocks because we're told to, and how we can't get our calendar right even though the ancients from the past could do it fine by only observing nature.
I think he's on to something...

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Our friends are coming over for lunch, so I've been a busy bee. I made a loaf of banana bread and a devil's food cake (from a mix), and they are currently cooking in the oven.
I'll be putting a ham in around 9:45 and peeling some potatoes to cook and mash. Mmmmm....

Yesterday was chilly so I didn't have the windows open, but they are today. The cats are running around like crazies off their meds. At least they're not meowing at me.

The buzzer just went off... have to take the cake out and leave the bread in for about 15 more minutes... be back in a second.

How easy it is to become distracted... while in the kitchen I decided to do up the dishes too. So now the banana bread only has five mintues and then I'll be back in the kitchen.

Simple Thought of the Day: When doing a chore don't get distracted or you may never finish. If you're cleaning out a closet and come across a box of photos, instead of going through them, put them aside and do it after the closet is finished.
You may have to add another thing to your to do list: Go through pictures, but at least the closet will be done.
I think that is why so many people get discouraged when organizing because they do stop to go through memorabilia. Sort, Purge, Organize and then Reminisce.