Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Well I'm going throught the house again, looking for items to sell at our garage sale in August.

We already had one in May, but if we move I want to get rid of more stuff. And even if we don't (but I'm 99% sure we will within the next two years, or sooner), it's always a refreshing feeling for me to get rid of clutter.

We're going to be selling more of our furniture at the sale also. "Whoa" people may be saying. What happens if you don't move. Even if we don't I still want to get rid of some furniture because:

1. I want less stuff to clean, repair and take care of
2. If we don't sell, our next step would be to rent out space, so our upstairs would need to be completely clear.

It amazes me how much I've found already: 4 boxes, 3 board games, and about 20 books (which I'm writing up descriptions to put them up on eBay this weekend.) And I just went through the house in May.

But I think one's attitude for their belongings really changes when it comes to moving the stuff to another location.

So today's frugal/simple living thought: To really clean out the clutter, act as if you will be moving. Unless you absolutely love it or it serves a daily (or almost daily) purpose, get rid of it.


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