Last night I tried to log onto the internet and I kept getting error messages. So this morning I told Spyros the computer was broke, and he asked if I had plugged in the stuff in his office.
Well duh.... Isn't it enough to plug in the stuff in my office???
So no post yesterday.
Today, don't have too much going on.
When we go visit Kevin and Amber's cat to feed and give lovin' to, I think we'll go to Cost Cutters afterwards and get me a haircut. I'm really looking like Wolverine from X-Men with the way my hair is feathering and sticking up like little horns.
We still have cleaning to do around the house, but it's supposed to be 92 and that really does not sound appealing. Getting all nasty....
But I think tomorrow supposed to be in the lower 70's, so that's good.
Went to the chiropractor this morning. If Spyros ever decides he no longer wants to support me and leaves, then no matter what I will date and/or marry only a chiropractor.
Then went to the library and got 4 books: Midwives (an Oprah book), Lori (by the guy who wrote Pyscho), a Marion Zimmer Bradley book (wrote Mists of Avalon) and another book.....
DH just got home, so will be going now....
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