Friday, September 19, 2003

Well, my week is off. I kept thinking yesterday was Wednesday.

We have another showing tonight at 5, so while they're here, we'll be at the library. Returning some books, getting some more, looking at magazines, and if I know DH, on the computer.

The weather is beautiful here. Overcast with a strong wind that sends chills down one's spine. I'm sitting here with a robe on, drinking a cold glass of water and feeling my legs and feet get colder by the minute. Ahh.. What simple amusements.

I've started writing again. It feels good. I really haven't done anything in about two years.

The reason I started up again was because when I was talking with Nichole (SIL) she said that her husband had written a screenplay and was planning on going to LA to try and sell it.

After I got off the phone, it just sunk in how fortunate I am to have a lot of time and I haven't been using it by helping one of my talents (perhaps too strong of a word...?) grow.

So what do I write, you may ask. Well, I have about four young adult novels started, and a fifth one that began on Thursday. I also dabble in poetry, prose and rituals.

So why would an adult want to focus on young adult literature? For me it's because I wish more kids would read, and perhaps if I give them something to enjoy, they will. And while I do have a good attention span, I don't have it when it comes to writing long chapters, so the shorter chapters of the YA novels works out well.

Hmmm... how can I work this into frugal/simple living????

Instead of emailing or calling your friend or family member, get out a piece of paper and pen, then sit down and write a letter. Everyone loves getting mail that isn't a bill or court summons, and Lord knows we rarely get any!


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