Saturday, January 03, 2004

Yesterday was errand day. I know I said it would be on Tuesday, and I do mean to make it so. But life happens and you just got to go with it...

DH dropped me off at the grocery store while he went to the bank and library, thus saving time. When I went to check out, the lady asked if I had a Pick N Save card (I do, but none of the groceries needed the card, plus I didn't have it on me.) I said, "No." and she clucked her tongue at me and gave me a look of disgust.

I thought to myself, just another reason why we don't like this store. (We only shop there because of convenience.) Then I thought if you were a nice check-out lady you would have a card there to swipe, like some of them have done in the past.

I think she realized how asinine she was, because she asked if one bag would be too heavy and then she pointed out that she put the grapes on top. I know I never let my face give away what I was thinking (if I had it would have turned red. I have one of those complexions that shows my emotion easily by changing colors.) I was polite to her the whole time, smiled and ended the transaction with only pleasant words.

I truly hope her day got better....

DH picked me up in front of the store. And then we were on our way to Madison for his chiro appointment, to return socks and get new ones and to get cat food.

Spyros actually found bigger sized socks then usual (his feet are a size 15). If you need bigger socks we found these at Shopko.

After we got home we went to The Roadside Grill with my MIL and BIL, as their Christmas present/get together time. DH and I had a Mexican veggie burger and it was delicious. I still have more then half of mine that I will be having for lunch today. We paid for their lunch and used a $20 GC (that one of the people on DH's mail route gave him for Christmas. I still think this is strange, but we appreciate the gifts and DH always writes a nice Thank You note.)

Then MIL came back to our place and we watched two of the movies we got from the library (The Transporter and Dreamcatcher. Both were pretty good.) We still have Trapped to watch later this week. Then MIL went home, we watched a little TV and went to bed.

I didn't get to the boxes in the back hallway, but I want to try to do some today, so I will cut this short so it may be possible to do so.

Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: As much as I like structure, sometimes you just have to go with it. If something isn't going the way you want and you're getting frustrated, do whatever you need to do to calm ourself (breathing and walking out of the room without slamming anyting, works for me.) And remember tomorrow is a fresh day.


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