Thursday, February 05, 2004

Amber let me know that her bank wouldn't take change unless it was rolled. Once again, Stupid! I thought every bank had a change counter.... I must just be spoiled!!

And Thanks Renee for the nice comment... I will definately try to keep the frugal stuff coming....

We have a showing today between 11-12:30, so once again.... Positive Thoughts.... Must... Keep.... Positive.

We're almost done painting the room. The ceiling needs one more coat, but we have to go to Menard's to get more paint. (Would have had enough if the paint sprayer worked proper...) We'll probably do that today while the house is being shown. We're going to get 5 gallons and tackle our bedroom too. I know DH isn't looking forward to it (me neither really....) but the carpet in there is gross and the walls really do need some sprucing up.

He's not looking forward to having to take the bed apart.
I had wanted a bookcase headboard frame with lights and drawers underneath for a long time. We saw an ad in the paper for $400 for the exact kind I wanted, so we went to get it. (This bed is beautiful... solid oak, not pressboard. Lots of drawers, doors and compartments. Originally $1200, so a wonderful deal!)

They had it with just a matress and no box spring, looked like a waterbed. When we put our boxsprings on it didn't fit, although it's a king. So DH had to do some adjusting and added some wood to the frame to lengthen it on the foot end. (It looks fine since the comforter covers it...) So now DH does not want to have to take it apart to paint and then put it back together.
He even suggested that we don't put it back together since we'll have to take it apart again to move. Normally I would say fine, but I really love me bed!!....

Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: If you're doing a project make sure to prep the area very well first. Clean, sand, take inventory, etc.... first. It is so much less stressful to have everything you need instead of making a dozen trips to the store. (Plus you save gas and time...) And when you finally do the project, do the best you can the first time.
Reminds me of a story....

A very rich man had his employee come into his office and told him he wanted a house built. So the employee begins to build the house, not doing a very good job because he kept thinking: Why don't I have lots of money? Why can't I have a nice house? Why don't I have time to build my own house? , etc....
When the employee finished with the house it looked livable but had a lot of problems if you looked closely. (Paint specks on the carpet, subpar electrical, crack in the foundation, etc....)
The employee went to the rich man to tell him the house was finished. The rich man said: "That's wonderful! And for all your years with this company I'm giving it to you for your retirement gift."

Everytime we make repairs/paint the house, only to have it sold.... I try to remember this story.


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