Wednesday, January 28, 2004

We didn't get an offer from the second showing on Sunday, but maybe (hopefully) they'll change their mind... We do have another showing on Friday - our realtor will be the one bringing them through - so maybe he'll be able to win them over with all the potential in the house....

I made Jiffy shortcakes last night because we had bought some strawberries, and I wanted some comfort food. My mom use to make the shortcakes from scratch when I was younger. I preferred the store bought kind back then, but now I like the from scratch kind better.
I sent some shortcakes along with DH for lunch, and thought I had grabbed the container with the strawberries (but it was actually broccoli...) I asked him this morning if he had ate all the strawberries because I wanted some for on top of my Cheerios, only to find out about the mix-up.... I had a chuckle out of that one. Subconciously I must have wanted to make sure I had some strawberries for my cereal!

I inventoried most of the stamps yesterday (still have some to do, hopefully today). I am a Virgo so organization is in my blood. I figure it will be easier to see what I have, and to sell them, if I ever decide to do so.

This morning saw me vacuuming the downstairs, doing dishes, dusting, putting away laundry, and tidying up the bathrooms. I also typed up some more descriptions (of ours) for eBay. Now all I have to do is take some pictures of the items and print out my eBay confirmation sheets.
I want to see if DH knows how to put up the instant calculator for shipping. (You type in your zip code and it'll tell you how much shipping will be.) If anyone out there knows how to do this, I would love to know....

I also want to add some links to various websites I visit often. If there is anything else that anyone wants to see, or thinks would enhance my blog, please let me know....

Frugal/Simple Thought for the Day: With the winter months making some people sluggish, try adding some stretches, sit-ups, etc... to your TV routine. Commercials will often find me on the floor doing some two minutes stretches, or going for another glass of water.


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