Another snowy night, last night here in Southern Wisconsin, (And probably all of Wisconsin...), And it sure it beautiful, at least until it starts getting muddy and/or icey.... The only crappy part is the shoveling, left to DH. I do feel bad, but shoveling and mowing the lawn are two things I don't like to do.
We have our tax appointment today. Boring, but it must be done. I just hope we don't end up having to pay the government. I don't even care if we don't get a refund, as long as we don't pay.
We'll be turning this into an errand day. We have to get some Dickies for DH, some stuff at Menards (fridge bulb, dead plate and phone jack cover), stop at bank, and library.
I've had the DaVinci Code on reserve for some time now, DH got a copy from his former co-worker a couple of days ago, and since I kept meaning to cancel the reserve, what should show up?? X-Men 2 also came in, and I'm happy because I've really been wanting to see it again.
One nice thing is DH got a check for $75 due to not using all his sick time last year. If you don't use it they give you a check, since it's cheaper for them then if you were to actually use it.
So we'll be sticking that in the savings account along with a bit more of his check... I love whenever we are able to put money away.
My cat is driving me nuts, he's been very needy (well forever), but this past week, or has it been month, has been worse then normal.
Okay back from a pet session, let's see how long that satisfies him....
We're going to be calling the realtor today, and telling him, Price the House to Move!!! We're thinking $155,000. Assessed at $180,000, down to $155,000. Someone has to buy it or I'm getting a bulldozer!!!
Seriously we want to get on with our adventures, and we can't with this house. We don't want to with this house. I want to unpack all the boxes and have an actual decorated room. I want to have everything organized, not in a box in a room. (But you've known this for some time now, haven't you?!?)
Our other cat has been enjoying the flakes of snow that have been falling. She's been sitting on the desk in front of the window and her head is constantly wiping around to follow their movement. She's a cutey, even if she loves DH better....
Enough babble, must do something to exert this energy. I think the dishes are calling....
Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: If your teeth hurt, make an appointment with the dentist.
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