Saturday, February 28, 2004

Thanks Joanne for letting me know that having the buyer coming to the inpection is normal.

We heard from the realtor yesterday (Lori now, because Jeff is on vacation.... Wish he was still here since we're now to the make it or break it stage, but what 'cha gonna do...)
We'll be going to her office today at Noon to renegotiate. The things the inspector found were: Outlets in the kitchen are not up to code. I don't think it's all the outlets (hopefully), but the ones by the sink.

There is a gas pipe near the electrical box that needs to go or be fixed. DH called an electrician yesterday and he said as long as there is a 30" cavity (space) on one side of the box it should be good. And there is a 30" space on one side. The electrician will be calling Monday to set up a time to come out.

The washing machine needs to be properly drained. If we do decide to fix any of these things, this will probably be the most expensive. But Jesse (buyer) said that he is willing to have the washer/dryer moved downstairs. This will be good because there will be less piping/work needed.

Now the part that irked me. We have a safe in the garage that is FIL's. We stated in the item description that the safe is not included. Lori (realtor) said if they can keep the safe then they are willing to negotiate on the other items. I asked, "So if we don't give them the safe, they won't negotiate?" Lori goes, "That's correct."
Now I don't know if she heard me correctly, since I was on the cell, but if she did..... Does this not strike you as rude???

I just have to control my emotions, and keep reminding myself how badly we want to move. If I'm not too annoyed after the meeting I may blog again. If not, I will definately do so tomorrow to update on the issue.

State St. was fun. We were there for about 2 1/2 hours. DH took some pictures, we enjoyed a walk and fresh air, I got my Tea Rose, but we didn't have gyros. When we were leaving we weren't hungry, oh well....

Laundry is going and when I finish this I'll go run the water for dishes. I like to run it really hot and then let the dishes soak in it while I do chores or go back on the computer.
When I finally do them the water's cooled enough and they're much easier to clean.

Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Coupon Trains: You can sign up to these on message boards (as long as they have a space open) or you can start your own with friends and family or even co-workers.
Basically you clip coupons or receive them in the mail or find them on items, etc... Then one person starts by sending 100 (or 50 or whatever number the group decides) onto the next person on the list. They take out whatever ones they will use and replace the same amount. (They take out 25, they put 25 back in.)
Depending on the time period the group decides the coupons must be passed on by (2 weeks, 3 weeks, etc...), the second person will also take out any coupons that will expire by then. (2 weeks, 3 weeks, etc...)
They get shipped to the next person, and it starts all over. The sooner you pass them on, instead of sending them out the last day, the more smoothly the train will run.

When you're putting coupons in to replace the ones you take, it's nice to make sure most of them have a farther off expiration date, but this will not always be possible.
You can also have Wish Lists. Everyone jots down what coupons they would like to receive (Huggies, Science Diet, Ragu, etc...) It's a nice treat and if you do have a coupon that is expiring quickly, but the next person to get the train to arrive at their depot is looking for those particular coupons, it won't be as much of a problem because they will hopefully be able to use them before they expire.

I hope this made sense? One one of the frugal boards Frugal Families , I recently asked to be signed up to a train, but unfortunately all four are filled. The moderator is going to see if there is enough people to form another one, so I'm hoping....


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