Saturday, March 13, 2004

I'm so excited. I just can't hide it...
The Pointer Sisters was one of the tapes we would listen to in the van when I was growing up and we were taking long trips. MeatLoaf, Julio Iglesias, .38 Special, and Oldies Compilation tapes were also in the mix.
We had some fun trips...

One time we went to go find The Light. It's a place in Michigan were lights appear at night. Many different scientists have studied it, but they still can't figure out what it is. Some say it's swamp gas, some say aliens, and still others think it's a ghost looking for someone.

Anyway... one time we went, with a van load full of kids, and we stopped to get our bearings and take a stretch. Shortly after we got out, we heard a chainsaw start up...
Needless to say we all piled back in quickly and left for home, scared out of our wits. We ended up telling ghost stories all the way home, and had a wonderful time.
Thinking back now, the chainsaw as most likely just someone cutting up wood for the winter months... We were after all in a wooded area.... but one never knows!

The moving began yesterday. BIL and one of his friends came over. We loaded up the van and pick-up truck, and were off. We came back and they helped us load both up again, but then they had to take off. So Spyros and I drove the vehicles to the place, unloaded, and decided that was enough for one day.

We were actually able to take quite a bit over. Most of the garage stuff is there, and all the boxes in the hallway. We also took most of the cabinet food over, and I filled up a suitcase each time with clothes still on the hanger, so I could just hang them up as soon as we got there.

I have a crockpot full of chili simmering away, waiting for today's move to begin. We're picking TJ up as soon as DH is done delivering mail, and then Alex (BIL) is supposed to be coming over around Noon to help also. Eric (DH's co-worker) will be coming after he gets done with work (not sure when, between 2-5pm), to help also.

We should be able to get everything moved today (except our matress), that way we have all day tomorrow to clean up the house. Then Sunday night we sleep at the new place...

Due to internet hook-up I probably won't be posting again after today, until Wednesday... unless we stop by the library to use their computers.
One good thing though, we're able to get DSL!!! DH is very, very happy about this.

I'm off to do more moving stuff before we begin the day's activities.

Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Make sure to drink enough water, everyday. While soda may taste good, it does nothing good for you. Plus it's a lot more expensive then tap water with a filter system.


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