I have been thinking about getting a part-time job, for some time now. I had applied last October at the library to shelve books, but I didn't get the job. (Our library seems to hire only family of employees or students working towards, or who already have, a library science degree.)
I saw an ad for a daycare center called Braids and Britches in Marshall, which is 17 miles away. The hours were from 3-6pm Monday through Friday. This would have worked out well because Spyros lays down around 2pm, so I would still be able to spend the same amount of time with him.
After taking a look at taxes and gas costs, we decided that it really wouldn't be worth it. In the ad, it encouraged highschool students to apply, so we figured the pay rate wouldn't be over $8, probably closer to $6.50. I would have to make at least $10 an hour to have it be worth my time.
Perhaps after we get settled from the move, and if the ad is still in the paper, I will inquire about the pay....
I watched Kingdom Hospital last night. I have enjoyed about half of Stephen King's books and movies. (Cats Eye still creeps me out. The last story with the little girl, Drew Barrymore, and that tiny monster who tries to suck her breath out. When I was younger none of my stuffed animals could be on the floor when I went to sleep because of that movie...)
Anyway, it was okay, but how many times can you use the storyline of a building being built on top of a graveyard or old building site where something horrible happened? Well... I gues it would have to be a lot!
I will probably continue to watch it for awhile, to see if it gets any better...
On Freecycle there is an electric dryer, and if the person in line before us doesn't end up getting it, it'll be ours. That means we'll only have to get a washer for the apartment.
Tomorrow we're going to be looking at a drafting table that we saw for sale in the newspaper. DH and I both want to start painting, so we'll use it as an easel. Plus DH draws and I can use it when making cards.
Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Since I've been a bit chilly today... instead of reaching for the thermostat, grab a sweater and a pair of socks... the socks will also help you polish your wood floors (if you have any...)
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