My goal for this week is to have no spend days Tuesday through Friday. I know we spent a lot over the past days, but this is something that is planned with all the after Christmas sales. But now is the time to get back on the frugal wagon.
I didn't do much today. Men if you're reading this, you may want to jump down a paragraph..... I had monster cramps and spent most of the day laying with a heating pad. These were the worst ones I've ever had, so I finally gave in and let DH get me some Midol (I've never tried it before.) It worked, but after reading the ingredients I found that I could take some aspirin and drink some coffee, and probably get the same results. So when the Midol is gone, that's what I'll try.
But I did finish a book that is due at the library, shortly....
I want to finish un-packing the boxes, but DH wasn't able to bring home any more boxes because there wasn't any for him to bring home. So hopefully tomorrow....
I'm going to wrap this up to lay back on the couch (Midol's wearing off....)
Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Take a look at the ingredients to what you are eating or taking as medicine. You may be pleasantly surprised that you can make it for a lot cheaper, with similar ingredients, and get the same result. (This is especially true when it comes to convenience foods.) But use common sense when it comes to all foods and medicines, don't take any chances that will harm you.
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