Monday, January 26, 2004

We had someone come this evening to pick up the office chair, and on Friday someone is supposed to be picking up the cabinets. Yeah, more stuff gone...

Haven't heard back about the second showing on Sunday yet, we may call the realtor tomorrow afternoon to see if he's heard anything.

It was like Christmas for me today because I received two of the rubber stamp lots that I won. (I got the other 2 last week.) I finally got some ink pads in one of the lots so I can start experimenting. I'm very excited about this!

I also typed up some descriptions for eBay auctions that I'll be putting up this weekend. This week (as of now) is all for our friends that moved to Las Vegas. They're thinking about moving back, so I figured I should try to sell their stuff so I can send the money to them.
I may put a few of our things up this week too, but I don't know yet.

I still have to do my parent's Hummels, but I know I've been procrastinating because I have never sold anything for that much money before, and well.... I'm a tad nervous. But I will be getting to them soon....

Unfortunately my brain doesn't work as well in the evening, so no thought of the day. Hope everyone has a wonderful nights sleep and you wake up tomorrow ready to conquer the world, or at least that pile of laundry!


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