Saturday, January 17, 2004

We just finished taking pictures for Freecycle and will be most likely posting the free items tomorrow. We also mopped up the garage (gotta love melting snow), and put down a material barrier for our oil leaking van...

Today we sanded the upstairs room. It went faster then I thought it would. I also wanted to paint today, but DH didn't so we'll probably do it Wednesday or so.

I didn't want to post this, but DH said I should.... more stamps were bought today.... Then Spyros said I should illustrate the point of it always pays to shop around.

I won this auction of 123 stamps (many of them large, so they would easily go for $10-$15 in the store) for $152.50. With insurance, shipping and certified mail it came to $171. That comes out to $1.39 a stamp. As long as I use them, it's a heck of a deal...
There is an auction for a bit over 250 stamps on eBay right now with about 3 hours left. Right now the price is $1525. That makes it $5.50 per stamp. (that's appox. and we used 275 stamps)
It's definately not a bad price per stamp, but as shown by the auction I won with roughly half the stamps for 1/10 the price, you can do better.
I am not trying to brag, I just want to illustrate with patience and research a better price can be found.

eBay can be very addictive, so it's very important for me to have a set price that I will bid and not to go any higher. (The last 2 minutes of the auction I made DH feel my pulse because it was racing....) I also do my research thoroughly. There were many auctions with great stamps at good prices, put I kept focused and bid only when I felt it was an extraordinary price.

And there will be no more bidding on eBay until all the stamps come in and I have time to work with them. That way I will see which ones I like and if there is for example, 3 Happy Birthday stamps and I only like one of the styles I can resell the other two on eBay.

Once I get all the stamps I will total how many there are, the price paid (with and without insurance, etc...) and then do a comparison with actual retail prices. This may be of interest to any crafters out there (beginning or otherwise) to see how they can go about enjoying their hobby frugally.
When I post that information I will also post various storage ideas I have read about for craft items. Using wall mounted cassette/CD holders to keep your ink pads, is one of the many ideas.
So keep your eyes open in the next couple of weeks for this entry....

Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: As illustrated and I have said numerous times - It pays to be patient and shop around!!!


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