Friday, January 16, 2004

We're still anxiously waiting to see if there was any feedback from the showing last night. If the realtor hasn't called by Monday, we'll be calling him....

DH was really tired this week (he'd been staying up to 4pm most days, instead of his usual 2pm bedtime), so he laid down at 1pm and I woke him up at 5.

We want to have a goal of eating out only 6 times this year. Already used one time when we took MIL and BIL out. But I think we're going to use another time tonight. Chinese really sounds good.

Perhaps we'll change the goal to 12 times.... Oh well, every time we fall, there's nothing to do but try again, and harder....

Today was a pretty lazy day for me since we have to keep the house clean for the showings, there wasn't too much for me to clean.

I looked through some of the craft magazines I borrowed from the library. I like to look through them first, and then go through them a second time to find the items that I want to copy. My idea book for stamping is growing quickly.

I need to start working on my Price Book. I will, I will, I will.... Since we've changed our eating habits, I need to re-do parts of it with new food items. And I need to make a list of items that we get at Aldi's to compare prices there.

When you read these posts I never want anyone to think that I believe I am better then anyone out there. I have many faults too. Why am I typing this?? After re-reading some of my posts, things could be taken that way. I love computers and their many uses, but when it comes to conveying emotion, it is very difficult. I will always prefer having a conversation face to face, but since everyone will not be coming to my house every day, this will have to do!!!

That paragraph was to prepare you for my next statement: I bid on another lot of stamps....26 stamps, nine ink pads and 6 dauber duos (like a crayon for stamps). With shipping came to $57.46, still a good price (I think), but just goes to show I can splurge as easily as the next.

Anyway...hope you have had better self-control then me lately : )

Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Don't keep your budget so strict that you can't have fun, or you may grow to hate your finances. Balance is good.


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