Well, my goal for this week will already be thwarted today. DH has a chiro appointment and I decided to mail out our neice and nephew's Christmas gifts. (We were supposed to see them over Christmas, but they couldn't make it because half the familiy was sick.)
On the bright side, we have a flex-spend plan so we'll be reimbursed tax-free for the chiropractor and we're shipping the package by Media Mail, so it won't be as much. (We got them a book and coloring/activity book each.)
Finally today will be errand day. The proper way that fits into my plan!!! We're running to the library to return items, re-new a book, pick up something for DH and Stamping Magazines for me to browse through to get some ideas. We may also go to Pick N Save if there are any good loss-leaders, which may mean more money spent.
(For anyone who doesn't know, a Loss Leader is an item that is priced at or below cost to try and intice you into the store to hopefully buy more then just that item. But be strong and don't fall for their tricks!)
One thing that I want to do in the New Year is to buy only staples (bread, milk, cheese), fruits, veggies and loss leaders. I will not be buying any paper products (other then tp, kleenex and the occassional roll of paper towel for pet messes.) We will be using dishes and cloth napkins, instead of paper plates and napkins.
And one nice thing about the free item you get when you spend $20 is that it's usually tp, kleenex or paper towel.
A few of our other Resolutions are:
Save $5000 for a cash cushion
Pay off some/all of our debt (if we sell the house paying off all our debt could be a real possibility)
Eat healthier and be more active
Make all gifts or if we do buy them, have them be something useful of that can be used up (bath products, etc...), so we don't add clutter to other people's houses
Work more on our creative expressions (writing, taking pictures, drawing, painting, making crafts....)
Watch less TV (this one is mainly for me. Since DH sleeps from 2pm until 9:30pm, it's very easy for me to settle myself on the couch at 6:30 (Friends reruns, which mainly I haven't seen) and stay there until DH gets up.)
When we went to Goodwill the other da, we saw that the Madison area stores have put out a monthly calendar (that you can take) that has the day's special. (50% off all skis and ski boots, 20% off all T-shirts, etc....) If you're a regular shopper there and you've never seen the calendar before, ask and they may have just started, like our stores.
Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Don't be afraid to ask for a discount, the worst they can say is "No." Some of the times you may want to ask:
If the item is damaged: button missing, small tear, dented. But if there is a problem with clothing that is noticeable, make sure you will be able to fix it or be comfortable wearing it how it looks. There is no savings in buying an item for less if you don't use it.
At yard sales: Most people want to just get rid of the stuff. Make sure to do so in a respectful way. Unless it's the last day of the sale, you may not want to really low-ball the price. And ask them quietly instead of shouting it from the other side of the garage.
At a store you shop at often: Get to know the manager and see what they say....
At a Mom and Pop store you may get a discount if you are paying with cash instead of credit. There are fees involved with credit card transactions, so they may be willing to cut you a deal if you save them some costs.
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