Wednesday, January 07, 2004

We didn't go to Pick N Save yesterday since there were no good loss leaders. From the library we picked up three movies to watch this week ( Spy Kids 2, Sorority Boys, and Domestic Disturbance), 4 Stampin' Mags and from the free magazine exchange about a dozen mags. (Craft, Graphic Design and Home/Garden)

I guess this was not the week to try and make a spend-free goal (I should have looked at the calendar first!) Today I have a dentist appointment and DH has another chiro appt. on Friday. At least the only money we'll be spending is on medical appts.

We got another calendar as a present for Christmas so I'm using that one to track the total of how much we spend each day. We had (and are still) kept track of every penny in and every dollar out, but seeing how much gets spent is a single day is an eye opener (and makes me a bit nauseous.)

Each day that I can put $0, will make me very happy....

The dentist is only a block away, and I normally walk, but it's so cold that I'm thinking about driving. Although the sun is shining, so I probably won't drive.

I was able to re-pack some boxes yesterday, but then ran out of empty boxes. DH brought some more home so I should be done with this little project very soon. Then it's on to organizing the space to sell again on eBay. I have some items to try and sell for our friends, and my Mom/Step-Dad asked us to try and sell 3 of their Hummels.
If you're interested or know anyone who is interested in Hummels, please contact me since they have more then the 3 to sell.

I'm also excited to set up the area to start working on craft items. I had a few ideas about making some note cards and Thank You notes, that I need to write down so I don't forget.

Today should be a pretty laid back day. I'm thinking about cleaning the bathroom, but other then that and the boxes.....

Simple/Frugal Thought of the Day: It's most likely too late now, but if your place of work offers a flex-plan package seriously consider signing up for it. To help estimate how much you should put into it, look over the past years medical expendisures and write down any major things you will be needing/doing the upcoming year. (New glasses, root canal, pregnancy, etc...)
Being able to pay (or actually get reimbursed) tax-free for medical procedures is a great bonus.


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