Another evening entry, so this will be short, and hopefully understandable!
We were able to make this Tuesday another errand day... Bought our first package of tofu for stir-fry, so hopefully it turns out well. Today was the day for people to take up the whole isle and have carts full of groceries. I was constantly saying excuse (often to deaf ears, so I had to repeat myself more often then not....), but there was nothing I could do about the full carts. They only had two lines open, besides the express, so I waited for about 15 minutes before it was finally my turn. Oh, well what ya gonna do???
Went to the library to drop off the movies and some magazines for the free exchange. We got a few magazines from the exchange, a movie for this weekend, and two books on stamping. I'm excited to look through them to get ideas.
I watched American Idol tonight (American Idol and Fear Factor are the only two reality shows I'll watch. The rest really annoy me...), and I can't believe some of the people! I know I'm not a great singer so there is no way I would ever even think about trying out. I would be really upset if I wasn't good, but friends and family encouraged me.... Please tell the truth, instead of keeping them in the dark!!!
I typed up some more items for eBay. This time they were our stuff, so hopefully some money will come in to support my stamp addiction. I don't want to put too much up right away because it can easily become a hassle trying to keep everything straight. I do have a system, but I found if I put more then 15-20 things up, I get stressed out.
Frugal/Simple Thought of the Day: Make sure to use up those left-overs before they go bad. Make a casserole, soup, or add the items to a salad. If I have a bunch of veggies, I'll make some noodles, add spaghetti sauce and the veggies, then we're good to go.
Fruit can be added to muffin, pancake, or waffle mix. Left-overs also make great lunches, and it's much cheaper then eating out.
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