Thought I forgot about you? No, just finally got the computer up and running today.
The house is officially sold! We've been at the apartment since Sunday night, but still have more to do before it becomes a home.
The apartment is about 2/3 of the way complete in having things put away, but the garage hasn't even been touched yet.
Monday, after the closing we went to buy a washer, dryer, and a digital SLR (fancy camera for DH). We had cash and were ready to offer it to a store in exchange for these items, but do you think we could find a store that had them all (if any...) in stock?
Best Buy first. They didn't have the camera. They had the dryer, but not the washer. Were told the camera may be in on Tuesday.
We went to American next, they too had the dryer but no washer.
Kennedy-Hahn (an appliance store) was the last try. All of there washers and driers were at least $50 more then the other two stores, so we didn't get either one.
We went home because I was near crying from frustration...
DH went into town on Tuesday (for his chiro appointment) and to see if the camera was in. It wasn't. While he was there though, he ordered the camera, washer and dryer. Since this was the only way to gurantee that they would come in.
So we should be getting the washer and dryer tomorrow (which is a good thing, because we have a pile of laundry in the corner of our room), and the camera is supposed to be in either Tuesday or Thursday.
But today when we were checking our mail, we saw that someone is still trying to get rid of a washer and dryer, but people aren't coming to pick it up, like thay say they will. So DH wrote them, and perhaps, we'll get one for free, and then we'll tell Best Buy to keep the washer and dryer, and give us back our money!
I'll write more about the move tomorrow. Don't want to make you read too much in one day....
DH needs to have a tissue sample taken from his gums. (The specialist is submitting this to the insurance, so we'll know how much we would owe. I thought this was nice. But it has to get done, so no matter what the cost, we'll pay it.)
There is some kind of gum disease that can effect your eye sight (don't know the specifics... the body is just a wonderful, awe inspiring thing...), and they want to make sure this isn't the kind.
Well... story time is over today boys and girls. Stay tuned tomorrow for the next episode of This Sold House.
Until then, this is your sponsor wishing you a frugal day.
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